Friday, 9 September 2011

Pebble bag continued

Flap and back of bag with sketch beside
I finished weaving the flap and now am weaving around the body of the bag. After I created the design on the flap based on the pebble, I needed to design the rest of the bag to belong with it. I made a shaped sketch to follow. I've just woven a line to establish the main line of the white design around the bag and next will I fill in on both sides of it.
Front of bag with the main line of white just finished
and reverse of sketch beside

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Beginning to weave the "pebble" bag

I've finally begun to weave the bag. I keep the inspirational pebble close at hand while weaving freeform meandering weft in a variety of greys and a bright white. Every weft is made up of three strands to keep the texture and colours rich.The greys are all done in even weave, but the white has a combination of even weave and rows of "over two, back under one" stitch to increase the intensity.